To: Brandulph@gmail.com
Subject: Our aunt, Aðalbjörg Brandulphsdóttir
Brandulph, my dear cousin!
-Our dear old aunt, Aðalbjörg , passed away the day after you left, and in accordance with her whishes, she was cremated and her ashes was spread for the winds up on the Eyjafjellajökull on the 14th.
-However, had we known then, that the fulfillment of her last whish would cause such problems; we would of course never have brought her ashes up there at all.
-I can ensure you though; spreading her ashes for the wind, was no act of revenge by aunt, Aðalbjörg, nor by any of us. The substantial financial losses we have suffered through the bank crises, has absolutely nothing to do with this.
Best regards from Reykjavik,
Brynjúlf Brandulphsonur Eyafjella
Hmmm... OK, I take Brynjulf's words for it, that the eruption is no act of revenge by aunt, Aðalbjörg, nor anybody else. However, I am pretty sure that Al Gore & Co. will find a way to use the massive clouds of volcanic ashes in their global warming scam.
Anyway, up through history there has been several huge volcanic eruptions on Island, and the Net offers numerous pages on these acts of nature. A news paper article from 3 September 1875 opens with the following statement: Two months ago there was a heavy rain of ashes and cinders along the northern coast of Norway, covering the ground ' several inches deep. Investigation; revealed the fact that those strange materials, coming in a north-westerly direction like immense clouds through the air, were of volcanic origin...
This page offers a fine chronology on volcanic eruptions up through the ages, from 400 AD